Here we go...
I have been talking about wanting to start a blog and now is the time to just do it! As you will notice in a few earlier entries, I experimented but never advertised my blog publicly because I knew it would be a huge commitment of time. Nevertheless, I am willing to make that commitment because I believe it is important to embrace technology and become fluent in its capabilites. Dr. Lucas, Superintendent of the School District of Oconee County, has inspired me with his blog http://lucassdocblog.blogspot.com/. I look forward to reading his enlightening and musing entries. Although my blog is exceedingly rudimentary at this point, I hope to learn more tricks of the trade right away.
I would like to start my first "public" blog entry by commenting on a visit to Tamassee-Salem Elementary School (pictured above). I just love this school. As soon as you walk through the door, you can sense an inviting school culture characterized by genuine care for students. While observing in a special education classroom, I was impressed with how the teacher had established very clear expectations and routines. It was evident that every student knew what they were supposed to be doing. Some were working in a small group with the teacher, some were working in a small group with an instructional aide, some were working independently on assigned tasks, and another was working on the computer. The common denominator...every student was working! At one point, two students transitioned back to this classroom from mainstreaming and didn't miss a beat reentering the highly structured learning environment the teacher had established. They went right to work expediently and respectfully without requiring any cues from the teacher. It was obvious they knew the routines and expectations. Great job!
If any of you would like to share your blogging tips with this "newbie" blogger I would be most appreciative. I also welcome your comments. Thanks!