In Johnston County (NC) Schools , 56 IDELR 305 (OCRXI, D.C. (NC) 2011), the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) determined that a school district violated Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 when it conducted a manifestation determination review (MDR) after a student with ED and ADHD completed his suspensions. OCR explained that under Section 504 a reevaluation, including a MDR in the case of a disciplinary exclusion, must occur prior to a signficant change of placement. On February 5, 2010, the school district imposed a 10-day suspension to take effect the same day. However, the district had suspended the student two times earlier in the year. When MDR concluded that the student's conduct was a manifestion of the student's disability the parent claimed the school district violated Section 504 by imposing suspension prior to the MDR. In the case of a series of short-term suspensions, the MD review must occur prior to the last in a series of suspensions that cumulatively amount to more than 10 days.