According to
South Carolina's Office of Exceptional Children Policies and Procedures released April 6, 2009, even if the child is not placed in a general education classroom, the school district must still find ways for the child to be with children without disabilities in noneducational and extracurricular activites as much as is appropriate to the child's needs. Where the district suggests a placement other than a general education classroom, the Prior Written Notice form for informed written consent must list other placement ideas that were considered and the reasons they were rejected. Also, according to C.F.R. 300.320(a)(5), the IEP Team must document in the IEP the extent to which the child will not participate with nondisabled children in the regular class and in other school activities. The IEP Team may also address the potential for moving to a less restrictive environment in the future. The LRE for each child must be considered annually to determine whether the current placement is appropriate.
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