Monday, November 30, 2009
Changes to the 2006 Final IDEA Part B Regulations Regarding the Role of Adult Services Organizations in the IEP Process

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Transition Services Must be Provided Despite Student's Completion of Academic Requirements for Graduation

Monday, November 23, 2009
Transition IEPs and Expressed Needs, Preferences, and Interests

Friday, November 20, 2009
Transition Goals Cannot Be Vague or Generic

IEP teams need to be mindful when creating transition plans and ensure that each one is individualized and meaningful.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Texas Transition Plan was Designed to Provide FAPE

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A Visit to Seneca High School

Monday, November 16, 2009
Self-sufficiency Standard is Refuted by 9th Circuit

"We conclude that the District Court misinterpreted Congress' intent. Had Congress sought to change the free appropriate public education 'educational benefit' standard--a standard that courts have followed vis-a-vis Rowley since 1982--it would have expressed a clear intent to do so. Instead, three omissions suggest that Congress intended to keep Rowley intact. First, Congress did not change the definition of a free appropriate public education in any material respect. If Congress desired to change the free appropriate public education standard, the most logical way to do so would have been to amend the free appropriate public education definition itself. Second, Congress did not indicate in its definition of 'transition services', or elsewhere, that a disabled student could not receive a free appropriate public education absent the attainment of transition goals. Third, Congress did not express disagreement with the 'educational benefit' standard or indicate that it sought to supercede Rowley. In fact, Congress did not even mention Rowley. J.L. v. Mercer Island School District, 52 IDELR 241 (9th Circuit 2009).
Friday, November 13, 2009
How Can the SOP Assist the Voc Rehab Services Program in the Provision of Transition Services to Eligible VR Students with Disabilities?

If determined to be eligible to receive VR services, the student, with the assistance of a VR counselor, develops an individualized plan for employment (IPE) to achieve a specific employment outcome. A SOP may facilitate the development of a meaningful IPE by providing information that describes the student's secondary and psotsecondary goals, career interests, levels of academic performance, need for reasonable accommodations for work, and the functional levels of the student's social and independent living skills, at the time of completion of secondary education.
In general, a SOP that informs the State VR Services program of the student's academic and vocational functional performance may minimize delays in the transition service delivery system and better prepare the student for a successful career.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
What Obligations Does an LEA Have With Regard to the Summary of Performance and Vocational Rehabilitation and/or Post-secondary Accommodations?

A postsecondary student who has identified him or herself as an individual with a disability and has requested academic adjustments, auxiliary aids or modifications of policies, practices or procedures from an institution of postsecondary education may, consistent with an institution's documentation requirements, provide the institution with the SOP as part of the documentation to be used by the institution to determine whether the student has an impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, as defined under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) and/or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and requires academic adjustments as defined in the Section 504 regulations at 34 CFR Section 104.44. Institutions may set their own requirements for documentation so long as they are reasonable and comply with Section 504 and the ADA.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Does a General Educational Development Credential (GED) or Alternate Diploma Trigger the Creation of a Summary of Performance (SOP)?

Monday, November 9, 2009
What is the Purpose of a Summary of Performance (SOP) and What are the Requirements for Content?

Friday, November 6, 2009
IEP Drop-in At Fair-Oak Elementary

Yesterday was a great day. I was able to participate in an IEP meeting at Fair-Oak Elementary. The student used to be one of mine as a 3-year-old! Throughout the meeting it was evident that every member of the team genuinely cared about the student and his progress. It was as if he was centered in the circle of chairs to the right. Undoubtedly, each educator put a lot of thought, planning, and collaboration time in prior to the meeting as each communicated professionally and respectfully with knowledge about the student's strengths, weaknesses and needs. Various forms of assessment results were presented supporting the team's recommendations. The parents left the meeting confident that the team had developed the best plan possible to meet their child's educational needs. Great meeting!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Must an LEA Measure Postsecondary Transition Goals Once a Student Has Graduated or Aged Out?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
If an IEP Chooses to Address Transition Before Age 16 (South Carolina begins at age 13) are the Same Standards Required?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Ringwood Board of Education v. K.H.J., 49 IDELR 63, 258 Fed. Appx. 399 (3rd Circuit, 2008)

Where it is undisputed that the student has 'above average' intelligence, an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) made a factual finding that the student had the 'potential of performing at least in the average grade level in reading', this hardly qualifies as 'maximizing' the child's potential. When students display considerable intellectural potential, IDEA requires a great deal more than negligible benefit. Because the student made only 'negligible progress' in the school district's program and was still one to two years behind grade level, the ALJ properly concluded that the Board had failed to provide FAPE.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Should Access to the Community be Included in the IEP as Independent Living Skills?

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