Friday, November 13, 2009

How Can the SOP Assist the Voc Rehab Services Program in the Provision of Transition Services to Eligible VR Students with Disabilities?

According to Questions and Answers on Secondary Transition, 52 IDELR 230 (June 1, 2009), in addition to providing information that may be used to determine a student's eligibility for VR services, the Summary of Performance (SOP) serves as a functional document that provides the Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program with information describing a student's vocational, employment, academic and personal achievements as well as vocational and employment supports needed by the student.
If determined to be eligible to receive VR services, the student, with the assistance of a VR counselor, develops an individualized plan for employment (IPE) to achieve a specific employment outcome. A SOP may facilitate the development of a meaningful IPE by providing information that describes the student's secondary and psotsecondary goals, career interests, levels of academic performance, need for reasonable accommodations for work, and the functional levels of the student's social and independent living skills, at the time of completion of secondary education.
In general, a SOP that informs the State VR Services program of the student's academic and vocational functional performance may minimize delays in the transition service delivery system and better prepare the student for a successful career.

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