Yesterday I was able to observe in a self-contained classroom at Tamassee-Salem Elementary. I very impressed with the neatness and organization of the classroom. The walls were visually appealing and displayed several educational posters to be utilized by the teacher, instructional aide, and students (e.g., number line from -35 to 180, cursive letters, fractions, diagraphs, writing tips, calendar activites, a pocket schedule for individual students and grade levels, and geometric shapes just to name a few). It was obvious that this was a positive behavior support classroom as a matrix for classroom expectations was posted in addition to a PBIS incentive bulletin board depicting a race car for each student containing incentives earned. Some students were grouped and others worked independently. The teacher followed her schedule and rotated groups and students to accommodate each one's learning objectives and needs. Every student was engaged and on task. The culture of this classroom was characterized by high expectations for learners and an urgency to take advantage of every educational minute. The teacher was effective, conscientious, and displayed genuine care and concern for her students. There was a clear desire for the teacher and her students to strive to achieve a title displayed on a classroom banner....WORLD'S GREATEST CLASSROOM!
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