Transition services should focus on academic and functional achievement to facilitate movement from school to post-school life.
Transition services can be instruction, community experiences, acquisition of daily living skills, related services, development of employment and post-school objectives, and functional vocation evaluation. In Oconee County, we have a Students Transitioning to Adult Roles in Society (STARS) program for our certificate track students.
Participation in STARS, Vocational Transition, or Vocational Rehabilitation does not automatically mean the "Community Experiences" box in the Transition section of the IEP is checked. If the "Community Experiences" box is checked, it means there must be a need for the student to participate in a community experience to meet their post-secondary goal and there must be a community experience goal in the IEP. For example, if a student has trouble staying in his assigned work area then the IEP could have an annual goal such as "Amanda will stay in her assigned work area at least 35 out of 40 minutes over 3 consecutive work days." I will address the remaining transition services over the next few blog entries.
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