Another Cairo pic...we toured the Saint Virgin Mary's Coptic Orthodox Church in Old Cairo. It is also called the Hanging Church as it sits above a gatehouse of the Babylon Fortress. Experts believe it was likely built around 690 to 692. Awesome!
Continuing with the last two transition services listed in Section I of the EXCENT IEP, the Development of Employment and Post School Objectives are components of a transition program that “the student needs to achieve desired post-secondary goals. These could be services leading to a job or career or those that support activities done occasionally such as registering to vote, filing taxes, renting a home, accessing medical services, filing for insurance or accessing adult services such as Social Security Income ”. And finally, a Functional Vocational Evaluation is one component of a transition program that is included “if appropriate”. This evaluation involves “an assessment process that provides information about job or career interests, aptitudes, and skills. Information may be gathered through situational assessment, observations or formal measures, and should be practical. The IEP team could use this information to refine services outlined in the IEP”.
Source: Storms, J., O’Leary, E., & Williams, J. (2000). Transition requirements: A guide for states, districts, schools, universities and families. Eugene: University of Oregon, Western Regional Resource Center
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