Friday, February 27, 2009
LEAs Should Never Make Recommendations/Decisions Based Upon Inadequate Evaluations

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Board of Education of the Appoquinimink School District v. Johnson, 50 IDELR 33, 543 F. Supp.2d 351 (D.Del.2008)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
May an Initial Evaluation Consist Only of Existing Data?

Monday, February 23, 2009
Speech-Language Therapists Bring Attention to the School District of Oconee County at 2009 SCSHA Conference

Sunday, February 22, 2009
LEA's Must Provide Sufficient Parental Opportunity to Participate in the Decision-making Process

Julie Weatherly featured an article in a journal titled In Case, Volume 48, Numbers 4-6; and in Volume 49, Numbers 1-2. The title of the article is Avoiding Legal Disputes in Special Education: 21 Training Points for Administrators. According to Weatherly, "predetermination of placement" could lead to a denial of FAPE. In summary, LEA's should be careful not to do the following:
1. ...develop and finalize an IEP before the meeting then ask the parents to sign without discussion.
2. ...provide improper notice to the parents about relevant information (e.g., complete evaluation results, proposed placement).
3. ...hold "school member only" staffings to complete the IEP then have the special education teacher present the IEP at a later time to parents.
If presenting a draft IEP at the meeting, ALWAYS explain the draft is for discussion purposes only. The draft IEP is a working document amenable to changes as an IEP team sees fit. Parental input into a child's IEP is imperative.
Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009
What are the Qualifications of the People doing Assessments?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A Visit to Fair-Oak Elementary School

Yesterday I had the privilege of observing in three different settings at Fair-Oak Elementary School. Kindergarteners participated eagerly in an Early Reading Intervention program targeting the development of phonemic awareness and letter identification. The teacher demonstrated enthusiasm and the quick pace moved students right along without any time for lost interest. Continuous formative assessment tracks the progress of each student on a weekly basis. The teacher provided positive verbal feedback throughout the lesson.
In another classroom, a special education teacher started the day with a Smartboard lesson then divided her students to work in groups on individualized skills. The transition was timely as each student listened for his or her assignment then moved expediently to the appropriate location to engage in a meaningful activity developed to target a particular skill. No down time whatsoever.
My last stop was in the Speech-Language Therapy class...my first love. Watching and listening as the students pulled out their speech homework folders to review their targets, I was reminded of the days when I was a speech teacher. I sure miss those kids!! The speech teacher delivered praise and provided a model as needed. Her students were happy to be there and so was she.
The common denominator of all my Fair-Oak visits is the presence of ongoing Positive Behavior Support (PBS). This school embraces the concept as evidenced by teachers' and students' behaviors and attitudes. A school-wide PBS Matrix is posted in every room and is undeniably present in the culture. The faculty and staff at Fair-Oak work hard to provide a positive and effective learning experience for every child.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

- 1. Face the music. Do something fearful just for the sake of growing in courage (e.g., public speaking, sky diving, etc.)
- 2. Talk to that person. If you are avoiding confrontation with someone in your life, go to that person and "speak the truth in love".
- Take a giant step. Consider a new career move if you know in your heart it is the right thing to do.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Fairfax County School Board v. Knight, 49 IDELR 122, 261 Fed.Appx. 606 (4th Cir. 2008)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
A Visit to Keowee Elementary

I was also able to observe some effective coteaching that took place in a fourth grade classroom during a math lesson. The teachers practiced the lead and support model. The students participated in a lesson utilizing technology and manipulatives while working on real life math problems. Students needing extra support were seated at the front of the classroom. The resource teacher monitored their work informally and provided assistance as warranted. It was differentiated instruction at its finest.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
If the Eligibility Determination Team Can't Reach Consensus, Who Makes the Decision?
According to Parents Rights in Special Education (Procedural Safeguards) distributed by South Carolina's Office of Exceptional Children at the State Department of Education, teams should try to reach consensus about the eligibility decision for special education. If a member of the district team does not agree with the others, they are able to record their disagreement on the eligibility report. However, if the team cannot reach agreement, the final decision rests with the person who serves as the local education representative at the eligibility determination meeting.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Building a Golden Bridge
In William Ury's book Getting Past No, he explains a fourth barrier to joint-problem solving: the other sides's dissatisfaction. Coming to a mutually satisfying decision may be hindered (even when the other side is aware of how it will benefit them) simply because it was your idea. Ury identified four obstacles to an agreement and suggestions for overcoming them...
- Not their idea. You need to involve the other side. Ask for their ideas then build on them. Ask for constructive criticism and offer them a choice.
- Unmet interests. You can satisfy unmet interests by not dismissing the other side's position as irrational and by not overlooking basic human needs (e.g., security, recognition).
- Fear of losing face. Help the other side back away without backing down. Show how circumstances have changed.
- Too much too fast. Don't rush to the finish. Guide the other side step-by-step and don't ask for a final commitment until the end.
Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across. --Sun Tzu
Friday, February 6, 2009
How Can LEA's Ensure That Evaluation Materials and Procedures Used to Assess Racially and Culturally Diverse Children Are Appropriate?

Thursday, February 5, 2009
SDOC Vision for Special Services

The vision of the School District of Oconee County Special Services Department is that every student will succeed with appropriate support.
Our mission is that each student will be:
· provided a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment
· encouraged intellectually, morally, physically, socially, and emotionally
· cared for unconditionally and valued equally
· challenged to become productive, responsible members of our community
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

From chapter 5 of The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, John C. Maxwell points out that people admire leaders who demonstrate high competence. Here are some ways to bolster your competence...
- Show up every day. Highly competent people "...don't show up in body only. They come ready to play every day no matter how they feel, what kind of circumstances they face, or how difficult they expect the game to be."
- Keep improving. Look for ways to grow and learn.
- Follow through with excellence.
- Accomplish more than expected. Don't be afraid to go the extra mile.
- Inspire others. Motivate them to perform at a higher level.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
What Happpens When a Child Transfers to a Different District During the Initial Evaluation?

Monday, February 2, 2009
Letter to Zirkel, 50 IDELR 49 (OSEP 2008)