Yesterday I had the privilege of observing in three different settings at Fair-Oak Elementary School. Kindergarteners participated eagerly in an Early Reading Intervention program targeting the development of phonemic awareness and letter identification. The teacher demonstrated enthusiasm and the quick pace moved students right along without any time for lost interest. Continuous formative assessment tracks the progress of each student on a weekly basis. The teacher provided positive verbal feedback throughout the lesson.
In another classroom, a special education teacher started the day with a Smartboard lesson then divided her students to work in groups on individualized skills. The transition was timely as each student listened for his or her assignment then moved expediently to the appropriate location to engage in a meaningful activity developed to target a particular skill. No down time whatsoever.
My last stop was in the Speech-Language Therapy class...my first love. Watching and listening as the students pulled out their speech homework folders to review their targets, I was reminded of the days when I was a speech teacher. I sure miss those kids!! The speech teacher delivered praise and provided a model as needed. Her students were happy to be there and so was she.
The common denominator of all my Fair-Oak visits is the presence of ongoing Positive Behavior Support (PBS). This school embraces the concept as evidenced by teachers' and students' behaviors and attitudes. A school-wide PBS Matrix is posted in every room and is undeniably present in the culture. The faculty and staff at Fair-Oak work hard to provide a positive and effective learning experience for every child.
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