Last Friday I had the honor of reading to two fourth grade classrooms at Oakway Intermediate School...
Mr. Cole's and
Mrs. McCreary's. It was the highlight of my week! I knew several of the students as Fair-Oak Elementary feeds into OIS and I used to serve FOE as a speech-language pathologist. After reading, I was able to call on several students by name as I went through a series of follow-up questions. The books I chose to read were
"I Love You Stinky Face", "Nothing", and one of the most fun books to read aloud
..."Green Eggs and Ham". The students demonstrated a love for literature as they were very respectful and attentive while I read. They raised their hands to participate in the follow up quesions. OIS faculty and volunteers demonstrated gracious hospitality as readers were able to enjoy a delicious array of snacks and beverages while off the clock. Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!
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