Yesterday I was able to participate as an observer with parent permission at an annual review IEP meeting at James M. Brown Elementary School. The case manager presented the draft in a most unique way. She accessed the IEP using the web-based EXCENT program on her laptop then used a projector to display it on the conference room wall for all participants to see! She went page by page leading the meeting with a respectful and professional tone reading each section aloud, explaining recent assessments and progress. The team agreed to some minor changes that were made along the way. I loved the way she clearly depicted academic progress and the student's needs by comparing previous assessments with last year's assessments. The goals were written in curriculum-based measurable terms. The parent participated eagerly and complimented her child's teachers and school on several occasions. This format made it easier for collaboration and individual participation as each participant had an opportunity to see what was written. It also saved the expense of having to print several draft copies. JMB has demonstrated leadership in technology use. I will be sharing this innovative idea as I continue to visit teams across our district. Way to go JMB!!! Any many thanks to the teacher who was willing to share her innovative idea. :)
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