Sounds in Motion in the Foothills of South Carolina
Samantha Green sgreen@oconee.k12.sc.us
The School District of Oconee County Speech-Language therapists have implemented the Sounds in Motion program in schools throughout the district. Along with implementing this program, therapists also have collected data that shows a huge increase of phonemic awareness skills after completing this program. SIM has been so successful that now teachers are going through the SIM training and using SIM in their classrooms daily. In February 2009, two speech-language therapists, Samantha Green and Kristi Ruhland, from the SDOC, presented SIM at the annual SCSHA conference at Myrtle Beach, SC. The response has been amazing! For more information about Sounds in Motion, contact Samantha Green.
We are very proud and appreciative of the hard work carried out by our Speech-Language Therapists!! They are making a difference.
Samantha Green sgreen@oconee.k12.sc.us
The School District of Oconee County Speech-Language therapists have implemented the Sounds in Motion program in schools throughout the district. Along with implementing this program, therapists also have collected data that shows a huge increase of phonemic awareness skills after completing this program. SIM has been so successful that now teachers are going through the SIM training and using SIM in their classrooms daily. In February 2009, two speech-language therapists, Samantha Green and Kristi Ruhland, from the SDOC, presented SIM at the annual SCSHA conference at Myrtle Beach, SC. The response has been amazing! For more information about Sounds in Motion, contact Samantha Green.
We are very proud and appreciative of the hard work carried out by our Speech-Language Therapists!! They are making a difference.
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