Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Reexamine 504 Plans When Problem Behaviors Escalate

In Volume 25, Issue 11 of the Special Educator (December 4, 2009), school districts are advised to reevaluate students' 504 plans when it appears they are not responding to previous discipline measures that have been imposed. Tips for consideration include:
1. Does medication impact behavior? Invite the school nurse or other medical professionals to the section 504 meeting if it is suspected that medication may be impacting behavior.
2. Conduct a Functional Behavior Assessment and develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) based on the results. Sometimes school personnel other than the classroom teacher are needed to observe and collect data.
3. Review the student's BIP regularly and make changes as needed.
4. Consider whether the behavior in question is a manifestation of the student's disability before the 10-day rule kicks in. Be proactive.
5. Make sure key players are involved in decision-making. If the behavior is taking place more often in a particular setting (PE for example), make sure the teacher or other school personnel most knowledgeable about the behavior are present to provide input at meetings.

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