Thursday, January 8, 2009

Character Check

One of my favorite authors is John C. Maxwell. All the books I own of his have are penciled in as I underline statements that speak to me about becoming a better communicator, coworker, wife, mother, and friend. From chapter 1 of The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, I have paraphrased the following tips he offers for improving character ...
  1. 1. Search for the cracks. Examine the major areas of your life (work, marriage, family, service, etc.) and identify places where you have cut corners, let people down, or compromised.
  2. Look for patterns in your responses. Do you have a type of problem that keeps resurfacing? Patterns will help you diagnose character issues.
  3. Face the music. Character repair is possible when you take responsibility for your flaws, apologize, and manage the consequences of your actions.
  4. Rebuild. Develop a strategy to prevent yourself from repeating the same mistakes.

If you are looking for a quick read with a lot of punch, I highly recommend this book. You can read it over and over and still take a golden nugget away with you each time you set it down.

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