Thursday, September 2, 2010

That is me on the back of a camel in front of the pyramids. My daughter and I traveled to Egypt to get her moved into the American University of Cairo where she will study for two years. What an adventure!

Picking up from my last blog entry...transition services should focus on academic and functional achievement to facilitate movement from school to post-school life and can involve the acquisition of daily living skills and related services in addition to instruction, community experiences, the development of employment and post-school objectives, and functional vocation evaluation. The need for acquisition of daily living skills typically applies to lower functioning students who already have annual goals in this area. Related services for transition are similar to the related services in an IEP that are needed for a student to meet their post-secondary goals. Examples might be occupational therapy, physical therapy, interpreting services or perhaps counseling. I'll finish up the topic of transition services (i.e., development of employment and post-school objectives and functional vocational evaluation) in my next entry. It is good to be home!

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